# let's Grow Your Hand

Together We can Make State of Queensland Great Again



What life has taught me about humanity and it's place in nature, from Behavioral Psychology to Thermodynamics


That’s why I wrote and sang, “Something is Wrong”, “PCB Blues”, “You’re a Greenie” and “Why can’t we hear the cry” and handing out “World Scientist Warning to Humanity” brochures. That is until I was brutally bashed one evening in Brisbane by two young men, one of which was a cop. People were beginning to listen to my scathing originals, which challenged the corruption and environmental vandalism of the government. But not everyone in the small crowds and passers by appreciated my words or my right to sing them. For over nine months, before I was bashed, I was systematically harassed, bullied and told to, “Shut up or someone is going to do you” by plain clothes Police. They didn’t know that I knew they were Cops.

The old and original meaning of anarchism.

A STATELESS DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM, COLLECTIVE SELF-ADMINISTRATION AND MUTUAL AID”. Using this original meaning of anarchism, “I am an Anarchist”.


Where I blew the whistle on this Queensland Government Organization back in 1996 and they were closed down after the Sheperson Inquiry and kicked out of the Labor Party and my Statutory Declaration of why I blue the whistle on them.

let's Stand Together



I SUPPORT A NATIONAL INTEGRITY COMMISSION but not what the Liberal Government wanted. They summitted a $147 million weak toothless tiger. Former Judges and Lawyers and many others are disappointed by what was being presented. It had no integrity because it had no teeth. But the new labor Government has a Commission with teeth.

Also support a Human Rights Act being voted on in the Queensland Parliament 2019


Queensland Human Rights Act has been passed by the State Government.

A Human Rights Act will help prevent many of the things that Government Departments did to me as outlined on this web site.

First Arrest

By Sergeant Thomson. Charged, convicted and fined $300 dollars for obstructing police, public nuisance and having a pocketknife. Public nuisance set aside in the District Court. Obstruct police quashed in the Supreme Court of Appeal. After fighting two years, as a self litigate in person, I decided not to appeal to the Supreme Court and paid the reduced fine of $50 dollars for having a pocketknife in my pocket.

I got advise from a lawyer that my protest were legal before I started my protest. For more info, POLICE LIE UNDER OATH The Police put all of these lies about me in the newspaper. There has never been a retraction. Queensland’s Chief Justice Holmes said, “the evidence not only failed to establish that the arrest was lawful; it rather suggested it was not”.  So my local community only knows what was put in the newspaper, below.  Lies and more lies about me, no mention in the local newspaper about my wins against the Police in the District Courts of Appeal and Supreme Court or my winning cost against the Police. Click on menu, Case and Assaults: Documents Supreme Court, for full transcript. Would anyone go and talk to a Lawyer and then completely ignore that information and try and run from a Police Officer and obstruct him in his duties as well as all the other lies, jumping out into traffic with my signs. I even worked for Dale Carnegie in the US ” How to win friends and influence people” And 3 years University majoring in Psychology and minoring Sociology. This has to indicate the corruption of the Labor Party, and of all the people I know I`m the least likely to behave in the manner that the Police perjury said I did.

I was indignant at being arrested after having seen a lawyer about my protest but these corrupt cops turned my indignation into aggressive behavior that had to be restrained. Everything that they put in the newspaper and the charges were nothing but blatant lies.I was there and I had a pocket knife in my pocket.  

AS OF 2023 and still waiting for JUSTICE.

UPDATE 26-07-2016

Until the truth is published about the bashing on Friday the 12-02-1999 on Edward Street in Brisbane by Daniel Philp and the blonde haired plain clothes Police Officer, one of Commissioner Alan Honors finest that walked away to never be seen again and the complicity of Elder Abuse by the Capalaba Police at Capalaba, Queensland Housing and Queensland Mental Health my protest continues. The people of Queensland need to know what their Kleptocrats are up to.

All of this is done to me and I never really did anything wrong except try to make the community aware of Police and Government corruption. You pay a tremendous price when you are a whistle blower because these Government Departments have a network of their people who communicate with each other and do you as can be seen, with the proof, on this web site. Queensland Housing, Queensland Mental Health, Queensland Police, Crime and Corruption Commission and their families and friends.

Second Arrest

By Senior Constable Shane William Peacock of the Logan Police. Charged convicted and fined $75 dollars for disorderly behavior, one of the arms of public nuisance. I was just standing on the footpath, in Capalaba, with one of my signs.[Interestingly] ( Peacock has been sentenced on 21 09 07, to spend five years in jail with parole in eighteen months, for a car accident involving the death of a man. Peacock was four times over the alcohol limit and initially lied and said the other man had been driving.) I have him on tape not wearing his seat belt while transporting me to the Capalaba Police Station to be booked and fingerprinted for public nuisance.

All 3 arrest were charged as public nuisance but all 3 were about the content of my signs. So the police knew they could not win in court if I appealed to the higher courts my right to criticise the police so they had no choice but to charge me for obstruction,aggression,and trying to run away from them. Which was all lies and perjury on their part. And they got away with it. ( THEY ARE, RAT SHIT )

A third call from Constable Bishop who works for the Wynnum Water Police but was at the time working at the Capalaba Police Station also went to Thomson`s private cell phone. Bishop just happened to drive by and wittiness an imaginary car swerve because my actions on the footpath. How convenient that Bishop was there in that twenty-second period to back up Peacock`s and Quinn’s story. Brisbane Magistrate Taylor accepted all of this perjury and convicted me. I`m still awaiting District Court decision D343/06 by Judge Nase on this matter. It`s been 1 year now and no decision on my appeal.

Judge Nase`s Decision handed down 28/04/2008. Appeal allowed; Conviction and sentence set aside; and a verdict of not guilty is entered.

Judge Nase said, “If Mr. Courtney is guilty of “disorderly behaviour” so is my local federal member of parliament. For months before the last federal election teams of uniformed supporters, and some even dressed up as animals, behaved in much the same way as Mr. Courtney did …”

AND NO ONE GIVES A DAMN. Thomson, Emerson, Peacock, Quinn and Bishop, and the very tall Sargeant assisting Thomson in the 3rd. arrest. The same Sergeant that had a conversation with Sr. Sgt. Niven about having German relatives, that he lied about under oath in Court. Any wonder why I call it the Injustice System. I have now added, Officer in Charge, Capalaba Station, Acting Inspector David Nevin`s name to this list. Click on Cop Warning and Police lie under oath below. When Sergeant Thomson purposely put one of the policeman with I assume his baby on his knee,[[ that was in charge of the assault on me in 1999,]] (at the Capalaba Central Shopping Center, The Police station had been moved from Capalaba Park Centre to Central and then moved back to Capalaba Park.) after I won all the false arrest cases over a decade after the premeditated clandestine Police assault, on Edward Street, by the Blonde haired cop and Daniel Philp.

Early one morning before anyone was around. Thomson knew my routine of walking thru this area each day. Thomson was close with The Centre security that banned me from Central Centre I then knew the corruption was systemic. I assumed the baby was there to garner sympathy for the corrupt Policeman in hope I would stop my protest or get me to report the man to the Police so Sergeant Thomson could pervert the course of justice even further. I just stood there and shook my head in disgust. I’m sure Sergeant Thomson was watching on CCTV to gauge my reactions


I have no intention of stopping my protest against Government corruption. Until this happened I hadn’t seen this Police Officer since the premeditated bashing and continued threats and intimidation on Edward Street in Brisbane in 1999 by Assistant Commissioner Alan Honor’s group of plain cloths NAZIS Police Officers and the blond haired man, a plain cloths Police Officer or operative, that participated in and choreographed the beating I received which is still being covered up by the Police.

 ” Justice not only has to be done it has to be seen to be done”

UPDATE: 28/03/2017

And of course Sergeant Thomson has been promoted to Acting Senior Sergeant and is no longer in this area. Also Sr. Sergeant David Niven promoted to Acting Inspector and sent to another area. This is why the Queensland Police Service is so top heavy with corrupt Police Officers and the good cops get left behind.

Assaulted by two young men on Edward Street, Brisbane,Queensland 12-02-1999.This is what I looked like after I had just washed all the blood off. I was handing out the “World Scientist` Warning to Humanity” brochures and singing the song I wrote

“Something is wrong when the system has to be saved rather than way of life the system is supposed to serve.”

I still won't shut up.

Third Arrest

I`ve been fined $250.00 for offending Sergeant Thomson with my T-shirt (Queensland Justice and Police Uniform too corrupt to wipe dog shit from my shoe) and Zig Heiling him. When you challenge the state with corruption, freedom of speech does not exist. The Queensland Police and Magistrates do not agree with the Australian Constitution, it has no bearing on their thinking.

The Police brief of evidence is considered fact and your testimony is considered hearsay. That’s been my experience now 3 times in the Magistrates Courts, but still fighting the mendacity.

I have filed an appeal in the District Court 23/04/2008 to fight this 3rd conviction of Public Nuisance.

October 27, 2008. I WIN AGAIN, THAT’S THREE IN A ROW. Click Latest Update on 3rd Arrest Appeal.

This link also shows my argument presented by Caxton Legal  that won the $1650.00 cost and appeal as well as showing the capriciousness of Magistrate Cornack`s decisions. 

You can`t say or show your contempt for the police even when you can prove the corruption, it offends them.

UPDATE 29/07/2017

Cop Warning State law overrides the Constitution of Australia and song lyrics to the songs that caused all of the Police intimidation.

Queensland bashes it’s artists.


About Courtney for singing a song I wrote. “SOMETHING IS WRONG”.

My experience is starting to sound like Naomi Wolf`s, Ten-steps-to-close-down-an-open-society. For those interested in the loss of liberty in western democracy.

Naomi Wolf`s article in the Huffington Post sums up how it`s happening and it`s happening to me. Below are links to local Government corruption that is being covered up.

I could not stand by or work with the Fascist Queensland Labor Party in Jobs Association Incorporated with what they were doing and fixing to do using young musicians so I dobbed them in. This started a string of terrible events for me.


This link “FOI Report by Senior Constable Shane Dan of the Assault” Now has the Police Documents,Constable Dan`s statement that verbalized  me. And my statement showing Dan would not let me make my statement in my own words. This shows the serious bias of Dan`s actions and is a serious perversion of justice on his part.

Letters and Documents. Then Attorney General Matt Foley, Rob Borbidge, Mike Horan, Ms. Young of the Department of Public Prosecutions. Assistant Commissioner Alan Honor made sure his corrupt Fascist Officers were in place to write up my statement of the bashing by the Police operative their way. “The Blonde man convinced the black haired man to walk away and leave me alone.” An absolute lie by Senior Constable Shane Dan in writing up my statement and then telling me, which I recorded, “If you don’t sign it the Police will drop the charges.” A perversion of justice by all of these corrupt Fascist Police Officers. And now, in my opinion, Acting Inspector David Nevin and Sergeant Thomson of the Capalaba Police are participating in the cover-up by their continuing arrest and harassment. The Blonde man was a plain cloths Police Officer.

Court brief and Freedom of Information Documents of first arrest proves Queensland Police Service`s mendacity. It proves complicity of the Police prosecutions in the mendacity. It shows the capricious nature of the Cleveland Magistrates Courts and their uneducated interpretations of the High Court’s decision of Coleman v Power on free speech in Queensland.

Police Lie Under Oath

As I mention in the above video the media would not talk to me. I gave my hand out of this corruption to many of the  T V  and Radio stations in Brisbane as well as the Courier Mail. No-one responded. One day, much later, an ABC morning  drive time talk back radio presenter.phoned me and said there had been a discussion about my signs on his program and he wanted to get my views on air.We arraigned a time, for the following Monday , for me to call him on his program. At the appointed time I phoned him and was switched to an different person and asked to talk to the presenter as arraigned. The woman told me the program had been cancelled and the presenter was on holidays. I feel the presenter fought to have me on his program and that is why his program was suddenly cancelled and he was put on holidays.” Funny that.” So much for the ABC.

Click on 1st,2nd and 3rd Assaults in menu for Housing Queensland, Jobs Associated Incorporated, Mail Tampering and for Statutory Declaration that started everything.

Click on Case and Assault,10th Assaults in the menu at the top of page. For UPDATES on assaults and stonewalling and Court documents.

Continuing Harassment

Harassed and bullied by local cops for having a walking stick, my T-shirts and my signs. The only good thing is that two or three of the local cops are good cops. I use to get waves, thumbs up, two thumbs up and even respectful military salutes but not these days. On two occasions I even got applause from cops. It`s confusing to many people that I’m standing there with my signs and the good cops were supporting me.

let's Stand Together

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